
Chiropractic Services Maple Grove

What Is Subluxation?
Restore Chiropractic
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What Is Subluxation?

Subluxation is a common term used by chiropractors and doctors. However, if you aren't familiar with it, you may not know how it will affect you or what it is, making it feel like a complex issue to resolve. The team at Restore Chiropractic wants you to have the best information available, so we are here with this helpful guide outlining subluxation and how it affects you.

What is Subluxation?

Subluxation occurs when vertebrae have become misaligned. If any of the small bones leave their normal positioning, it will put extra pressure on the surrounding nerves. This can ultimately interfere with the central nervous system, brain, and body, creating imbalances that can lead to more issues later on if unaddressed.

The subluxation can derive from multiple reasons, and the most common occurrences are:

  • Improper lifting

  • Bad posture

  • Drug and alcohol use

  • Chemical imbalances

  • Emotional stress

  • Staying seated for too long

  • Car accidents

All of these factors can cause vertebrae to move from their original positioning, resulting in a wide range of health issues because of the repeated force on the joints.

Common Symptoms

Not all subluxations cause discomfort or pain. However, a few common signs of misalignment are:

  • Bruising

  • A feeling of joint instability

  • Swelling or pain around the joint

  • Being unable to move the joint

  • Instability or weakness around the joint

Treatment Options

Diagnosis will occur from various imaging options, including MRIs, CT scans, and X-rays, and your chiropractor will be able to check your spinal alignment, so they have a better understanding of how your joints are functioning.

Once a diagnosis has been made, your chiropractor can create a treatment plan to get the joints to reset. The primary goal will be getting your body realigned and reducing inflammation and pain using gentle chiropractic techniques. Depending on the severity of the subluxations, your chiropractor may recommend at-home care, like icing the area, resting, and moving your body because this can help reduce inflammation and swelling.

Your care provider may suggest a long-term plan ensuring a faster and better recovery after the inflammation has resided.

Restore Chiropractic

Dealing with a subluxation can be a painful and frustrating experience, and chiropractic services can help! Restore Chiropractic is a trusted Maple Grove chiropractor that provides holistic and innovative care our clients know and trust.

Get back to feeling your best by calling us at 612-516-3090 or messaging us online to book your appointment today!

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