
Chiropractic Services Maple Grove

The Best Postpartum Care for Mom and Baby

The Best Postpartum Care for Mom and Baby

The process of growing and then giving birth to a baby is a beautiful (although challenging and messy) miracle, is it not? The way a woman’s body has to adapt and endure the pains of childbirth and recovery afterwards is no small feat. All you mamas out there: you’re simply amazing! 

But the birthing process isn’t just difficult on the mother’s physical and emotional state - it can be extremely stressful for the baby too. Just think about all the pressure, squeezing, pulling, and pushing that can happen while baby is being born, especially when forceps or a vacuum is used. And C-section deliveries are no less traumatic on baby. In fact, a C-section is comparable to a Grade 2 whiplash injury in a newborn.

This is why it’s imperative to have your baby’s nervous system assessed and adjusted after birth - to see if subluxation (nerve interference) between the baby’s brain and body is present and to have it removed through gentle chiropractic care.

We want all babies and moms to have the best opportunity to HEAL and ADAPT well after birth, so we’re sharing the TOP reasons chiropractic can help you feel better faster and ensure baby has the best chance of meeting developmental milestones, handling stress well, and staying healthy.

Top 5 Reasons to Get your Baby Adjusted

Although excessive fussiness, reflux, digestive distress, and trouble sleeping may be common with babies, it’s not NORMAL. Those are all signs of possible nerve interference between the brain, spinal cord, and nerves which communicate with the rest of a baby’s body. If the brain 🧠 can’t properly send and receive messages to other organ systems that help regulate mood, digestion, sleep, and eating, your baby is likely experiencing autonomic dysfunction, which can be helped with neurologically-based chiropractic care.

Here are 5 ways chiropractic can help your newborn thrive and give caretakers an easier, more enjoyable experience with baby.

1. Constipation: Constipation is a common struggle among infants. Getting adjusted helps them to have more comfortable and consistent bowel movements. We’ve had numerous practice members tell us that their baby’s have large bowel movements on the way home right after their adjustment.

2. Reflux: Reflux and projectile vomiting may be due to issues with the vagus nerve and not something mom’s diet or the wrong baby formula. Gentle and specific neurologically-based adjustments help reduce episodes of reflux so you can stop changing multiple outfits in a day and say goodbye to the game of “dodge the vomit”.

3. Nursing Troubles: Difficulty latching and decreased range of motion in the neck prevents infants from being comfortable and efficient while eating. Chiropractic can help you have peaceful bonding time with your infant while they are nursing or bottle feeding.

4. Colic: Colic is a common struggle in infants and takes a huge toll on parents. Many times this interferes with sleep, sanity, and is a thief of sweet time with your new baby. Colic is often a result of neurological stress and an inability to adapt.

5. Supporting their transition to a whole new world: 🥰 Learning to live outside the womb is a completely new (and therefore stressful) process for baby. There is so much their tiny nervous system and body has to learn and adjust to: Eating, sleeping, pooping, meeting family and friends, and their rapid physical growth and development. Making sure their nervous system is communicating optimally helps regulate others systems and organs to PREVENT future health concerns and help them become adaptable, happy babies.

What’s Involved in a Newborn Neurological Assessment?

Whether your baby presents with health concerns or seems to be adjusting well to life outside the womb, it’s a good idea to have them checked for neuro-interference. An absence of symptoms does not equal excellent health, as symptoms can take weeks to months surface once subluxation occurs.

To assess the health of your baby’s nervous system and get to the ROOT CAUSE of any troubles adapting, we offer 2 different scans that show how well their nervous system is functioning and handling stress.😖We also do a thorough health history of baby and work with you to create a personalized care plan to help you and your child meet specific goals.

The two neurological scans we perform include:

1️⃣ Thermography: This device scans the baby’s spine looking for temperature differences between the right and left side which indicate where nerve interference is present.

2️⃣ Heart Rate Variability (HRV): This device gently clips onto your baby’s ear 👂to reveal how BALANCED they are between their parasympathetic (rest, digest and heal) and sympathetic (fight or flight) sides of their nervous system. This shows if baby is stuck in a state of stress and also identifies how much “battery charge” they have to adapt to their environment. The higher the charge, the more resilient they’ll be.

Book an appointment today to see if your baby’s concerns could be related to neuro-interference. Our pediatric chiropractors can help restore nervous system functioning so they can be the happy, healthy, well-adapted babies they were meant to be! 

Get My Baby’s Nervous System Checked

Top 3 Reasons Chiropractic Helps Moms Postpartum

There’s no question carrying a child in your womb for 9 months and then going through the labor and delivery process adds stress to your nervous system and body in completely new ways. Hormonal changes, physical changes with the the alignment of your pelvis, sacrum, and spine, as well as postpartum healing of the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles require special attention and care for optimal health and function. With all the potential challenges (and blessings) that transitioning to life with a newborn brings, one of the EASIEST and BEST uses of your time to ensure faster physical and emotional recovery is to get adjusted. Here’s why:

1. Faster hip and low back recovery: Childbirth can alter the alignment of the pelvis and sacrum as ligaments loosen to expand the pelvic inlet and outlet for birth. Chiropractic adjustments help make sure the pelvis and sacrum are properly aligned postpartum which reduces any hip or low back pain you may experience.

2. Stop “leaking” and improves function of internal female organs: The brain sends messages through the nerves to various organs telling them WHAT to do and HOW to recover. With all the stress and changes your body endures through labor and taking care of a baby it’s critical to make sure your nerves are communicating optimally from your brain to female organs. Our neurological scans identify WHERE subluxation (nerve interference) is occurring and Torque Release Technique (TRT) adjustments REMOVE subluxation so the brain, body, and organs can communicate and heal optimally.

3. Helps moms adapt and keep up with their newborn baby: Taking care of a newborn is an incredibly physically and emotionally demanding responsibility. From all the hunching over moms do nursing or bottle feeding, picking the baby up off the ground, wearing them in a carrier, rocking them to sleep, changing diapers and bathing them can take quite a toll on mom’s neck, back, and shoulders. Chiropractic care helps assure proper nerve alignment and neural tension within the nervous system so the brain and properly communicate to vital areas to help them heal faster, increase resilience, and have more endurance to keep up with their growing child.


Where ever you and your child may be in your postpartum journey we would be honored to serve you and help improve your ability to adapt to stress and FEEL BETTER faster!

We care deeply for the health and development of your child, and know you do too. So schedule an assessment for them today to give them the best chance of meeting developmental milestones, developing a strong immune system, and making sure their brain-body connection is strong so they can adapt well to their environment and all the changes their little body’s experiencing.

We hope to see you and your baby in the office soon for an assessment and adjustment!


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