
Chiropractic Services Maple Grove

Sleep Better with Chiropractic Care
Jen Heupel

Sleep Better with Chiropractic Care

Far too many kids have a hard time falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting truly restful sleep.

Why is this the case?

Several lifestyle factors could be HINDERING you or your kids from getting a good night’s sleep, including:

  • An inconsistent sleep and wake time

  • Eating a late dinner or snack (less than 2 - 3 hours before bed)

  • Looking at screens within an hour of bedtime OR simply having on bright lights

  • Room temperature is too warm (64 - 68 degrees is ideal)

  • Working out later than 7pm

  • Drinking coffee or other caffeine past noon

  • Sleeping with a night light

But what if you’ve adjusted their bedtime routine and daily habits so the above factors ARE NOT part of the problem anymore. Then what?

Have you ever considered how the nervous system effects sleep? 😴

How the Nervous System Impacts Sleep

Our nervous system operates like a gas vs brake pedal. If your brain 🧠 is stuck on the gas pedal, and your brakes give out, how can you slow down or stop your moving vehicle 🚗 (your body)? Your brain is moving at a 100 miles per hour, so it’s no wonder you can’t relax enough to fall asleep. Your mind is racing…literally!

Chiropractic care activates your body’s braking mechanisms (parasympathetics) to slow down and CALM your brain. It helps shift your body into a relaxed state. The vagus nerve (activated through adjustments) plays a vital role in your ability to calm your body, gut, and mind so you can get RESORATITVE sleep.

Kids who struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep 💤 often have a nervous system that’s distressed 😩and stuck in a “fight or flight” state (think gas pedal). When we use technology to scan their autonomic nervous system, results often show subluxation (nerve interference) at the top vertebrae known as the atlas.

The atlas is located right next to the brain stem 🧠, which controls a person’s sleep-wake times. When the atlas is subluxated (misaligned) nerve interference robs kids of proper sleep.

✨Gentle, neurologically-based chiropractic care REMOVES subluxation and helps activate the brakes in the nervous system (the parasympathetic side), allowing kids (and their parents) to get a better night’s sleep! 🥰

👉Curious if you or your child’s “gas pedal” is stuck in overdrive? Get their nervous system scanned to get to the ROOT CAUSE of their sleeping problems so they can develop physically, emotionally, cognitively, and socially at their best! Schedule an appointment below or call our office at (612) 516-3090 to have your child assessed and adjusted by one of our pediatric chiropractors.

Book Appointment

Story of Healing: Timothy

When baby Timothy first came to our office he wasn’t the happy, content baby you see here in this video. He was actually quite fussy because his little brain 🧠 and body was having a hard time learning to sleep and latch after birth.

Thankfully, Timothy’s parents were wise to bring him in for his first adjustment just days after he was born to get to the root cause of his sleeping and feeding issues.

Even though Timothy’s birth was relatively smooth and uneventful, his scans showed nerve interference between his brain and body and a stressed autonomic nervous system. Because the nervous system regulates sleep and the muscles involved in latching, Timothy was struggling in this area.

We’re thrilled to share that after receiving consistent chiropractic adjustments, Timothy is sleeping and nursing MUCH better and has become a HAPPY, easy-going baby who is all-smiles when he visits our office!🎉 Now, both mama and Timothy are thriving because everyone is getting a decent night’s sleep and nursing has become a comfortable, enjoyable process. 💖

➡️Baby Timothy is just one of hundreds of children we see who start sleeping and eating better under chiropractic care. If your baby is struggling to sleep or nurse, schedule an appointment with us to assess their nervous system and get adjusted so they can begin sleeping and eating like a champ and feel happy and content on a regular basis!

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