
Chiropractic Services Maple Grove

Period Troubles?
Jen Heupel

Period Troubles?

Long periods. Irregular periods. Heavy periods. Painful periods. No period.

Can you relate?

Those are all reasons why women desire to "regulate" or lessen the symptoms associated with their menstrual cycle. They’re also 🚩RED FLAGS 🚩that something in our body is not able to complete this important, normal function properly.

So what’s a woman to do?

Conventional medicine might advise to use birth control or synthetic hormones to make unwanted symptoms go away - but that can cause a host of other medical issues long term and doesn’t help your body HEAL so it can do what it’s designed to: ovulate and shed the lining of the uterus each month when no fertilized egg is present.

Instead of inhibiting our body's natural processes through synthetic hormones, we have a BETTER solution. One that aims to restore normal function in your autonomic nervous system (where you hormones and reproductive system are regulated).

Read on to learn:

  • How stress can impact your period
  • How your autonomic nervous system is stressed and dysregulated
  • Natural ways to repair your cycle and balance your hormones
  • An amazing story of hormonal healing from one of our very own practice members.

Not getting your period?

If you don't get a monthly period it could mean your nervous system is stuck in a state of STRESS so your body doesn’t feel safe to reproduce. If your lifestyle is extremely stressful (emotionally, physically, or chemically) your nervous system will be operating from a sympathetic state, aka fight or flight mode, so it doesn’t spend energy producing hormones for ovulation or reproduction because you are in survival mode.

In order to have a regular cycle your body needs to be BALANCED between the parasympathetic and sympathetic state so your body can slow down and have the time and energy to rest, heal, sleep, and reproduce … and thankfully, chiropractic can help!

Our office focuses on the overall health of your nervous system – and specifically looks at what side of your nervous system you’re operating from. Using a gentle, specific instrument for adjustments, we help unwind the stress stuck in your nerves to guide your body out of a sympathetic state and into a calmer one, where it can feel safe giving attention to produce hormones that allow you to have a healthy cycle once again.

How Well is YOUR Nervous System Functioning?

The autonomic nervous system controls the automatic functions of our body including our hypothalamus, pituitary gland, the release of hormones, production and maturation of eggs in your ovaries and more!

We use technology in our office that allows us to see how your autonomic nervous system is functioning and where there could be problems disrupting your menstrual cycle or making it more intense.

If you’re experiencing difficulty with your menstrual cycle or want to know how well your body is performing these natural processes, start with checking out your nervous system. We will be able to see if there is a disconnect between your brain and your body, how significant it is, and we can make a plan together of how you want to move forward with your health!

Call our office at (612) 516-3090 and let them know you’d like to get your nervous system checked or click the button to schedule online.

Get My Nervous System Checked

Natural Ways to Balance Your Hormones

Hormones impact more than just your cycle. They impact your mood, weight, breast health, digestive health, and even sleep, which is why it’s important to be aware of potential lifestyle habits and environmental toxins that can either hurt or help your hormone health.

Because there is TOO much information to cover on balancing your hormones naturally in this email, we’ve included a list of resources from professional, reputable sources to bring insight and understanding of the endocrine system, synthetic hormones, fertility issues, and overall health. We pray these resources prove valuable on your health and healing journey.

Books to Read:

  1. Period Repair Manual: Natural Treatment for Better Hormones and Better Periods
  2. Woman Code: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source
  3. It Begins with the Egg: How the Science of Egg Quality Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally, Prevent Miscarriage, and Improve Your Odds in IVF

Podcast to Listen to:

  1. Science-Backed Reasons to Ditch the Pill (& What to Do Instead) With Dr. Jolene Brighten
  2. Foods for Hormone Balance With Magdalena Wszelaki, Certified Nutrition Coach
  3. Uncovering the Root Causes of PCOS, Endometriosis, and More with Brooke Kalanick, ND

Articles or websites to Explore:

  1. 6 Steps to Balance Hormones Naturally
  2. Getting Pregnant with Endometriosis
  3. Gut Health and Your Menstrual Cycle: What Women Need to Know
  4. Better by Dr. Brooke (website)
  5. Laura Briden (website)


Story of Healing: Nupur

When Nupur came to Restore she had been suffering for over 10 years from:

  • Significant mental health issues (depression and anxiety)
  • Very irregular menstrual cycles (heavy periods lasting for weeks/months and causing severe anemia)

Nupur had seen numerous doctors and specialist over the years - but none were able to offer true healing, only band aid fixes that did not investigate or heal the root cause of whatever was going on.

In 2021 her mental health and bleeding became so severe that she had to quit her job because she was in an out of the hospital every few months. Her illnesses had begun to dictate her daily life and long-term goals, and she was stuck in a vicious cycle of hopelessness and illness.

Today, Nupur is thrilled to report that her health has improved significantly🥰since starting care at Restore! Here’s some of the AMAZING CHANGES that have occurred:

  • She was able to discontinue her antidepressant which she had been on for 4 years!
  • She does not suffer from depression or anxiety any more.
  • Her periods have become more regular (27- 30 day cycles which are becoming less heavy, lasting only 5-7 days) which she states is “miracle” because she has never had regular periods since menarche.
  • A year ago she was in the hospital because she had been bleeding for 5 months straight. Now, her most recent cycle was exactly 28 days with only 5 days of bleeding!
  • “I feel more whole and healed in mind, body and spirit. I had lost myself and my sense of purpose when I became really sick, but now I am starting to feel like myself again. I have a refreshed outlook on life. I can enjoy the present and I’m excited for the future.” - Nupur

Irregular, heavy, or painful periods do NOT have to be your norm anymore. You can feel GOOD in your body again by balancing your hormones naturally and getting to the root cause of what’s causing your problems in the first place.

Don’t wait any longer to begin your healing journey. Let’s work together to help de-stress your nervous system and guide your body to a place of rest, healing, and optimal hormone production. Take action today so your body has the energy to produce the needed hormones for a healthy menstrual cycle or pregnancy.

Schedule appointment

Reviewer: Dr. Kyle Trontvet

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