If your desired birth plan involves a vaginal, smooth delivery with minimal medical intervention, chiropractic can help! One of the most crucial aspects needed for a vaginal delivery is for baby to be HEAD-DOWN, facing the mother's back. For this to happen, your growing baby must have enough room to move into the best position for birth which is largely influenced by proper balance of the pelvic bones, muscles, and ligaments, as well as tension on the ligaments that support the uterus. 👉As prenatal chiropractors, we use a gentle technique called Webster that helps prevent in-utero constraints so baby can secure an ideal birth position. Webster adjustments also softly stretch and massage the ligaments surrounding the uterus which aids the body in creating a healthier, more comfortable environment for baby. With proper fetal positioning, the risk for shoulder dystocia, c-section, forceps, or a difficult labor and delivery significantly decline. A balanced pelvis and sacrum also helps: ✅Decrease low back pain ✅Relieve sciatic pain and pain down the legs ✅Reduce hip discomfort ✅Improve the labor and delivery process |