
Chiropractic Services Maple Grove

How to Help Struggling Kids

How to Help Struggling Kids

Doctors tell parents not to worry, that their child will eventually learn to sleep, eat, and manage their emotions as they grow up. And while that may bring some sense of relief to parents with babies who are extremely fussy, toddlers who refuse to eat certain foods, or kids who have frequent meltdowns, motor tics, or wet the bed, it can also leave parents feeling a bit lost and hopeless, wondering how long they (and their child) have to endure these developmental concerns.

More often than not, parents want SOLUTIONS - something they can actively DO with or for their child to help calm their emotions, bodies, and brains so they can grow into the healthy, happy, well-adjusted kids and teens God created them to be. And wouldn’t it be nice if those solutions were NATURAL, INEXPENSIVE, DRUG-FREE, and didn’t require hours of your TIME each week in therapy sessions?

If you’re a concerned parent of a struggling child or teen who doesn’t seem to be “getting better” as they age or with other types of interventions like medication, counseling, occupational therapy, social work services, or specific diets and supplements, we have ANSWERS for you that you may not have heard before. Ones that will help get to the ROOT CAUSE of your child’s health issues.

But first, let’s bust that myth about babies and toddlers simply “outgrowing” challenging symptoms. Keep reading to learn the truth about chronic childhood health conditions and how to help them THRIVE so they can live life to their full potential.

So here’s the TRUTH: Physical, emotional, and behavioral health concerns “grow” 🌱 from one symptom or condition to the next when the ROOT CAUSE is not addressed.

Babies and toddlers who present with colic or excessive fussiness, digestion issues 💩, chronic ear infections👂, frequent tantrums or meltdowns😡, sensory challenges, or motor tics often have a dysregulated nervous system that is STUCK in a “fight or flight” state, making it incredibly DIFFICULT for their brains to properly PERCIEVE messages from their five senses and ADAPT to their environment in an appropriate manner.

The RESULT: Their body compensates to cope with outside stimuli which typically leads to new or different health concerns instead of HEALING the source of the problem - a subluxated, stressed 😫 nervous system that prevents optimal communication between the brain and body.

So what does a dysregulated nervous system in children and teens LOOK LIKE? Find your answer below! ⬇️

Warning Signs Your Child has a Dysregulated Nervous System

Our body constantly takes in information from our surroundings and sends it to our brain 🧠 through our nervous system. However, when we have a dysregulated nervous system, nerve interference, stress, imbalances, and poor tone negatively impact the brain-body communication pathways, which eventually leads to health concerns and issues we commonly see in kids.

For babies and young kids, nervous system dysregulation may look like:

  • Colic

  • Reflux

  • Constipation

  • Ear Infections

  • Allergies

  • Asthma

  • Poor immune function

  • Sensory processing challenges

  • Frequent tantrums or meltdowns

  • Motor or vocal tics

As mentioned earlier, when kids grow their symptoms and subluxations (nerve interference) do not go away, but change in appearance. A dysregulated nervous system in school-aged children or teenagers may look more like:

  • Weight gain

  • Aggression & violence

  • Anxiety

  • Panic attacks

  • Depression

  • Extreme difficulty focusing

  • Poor grades

  • Disinterest in social activities

  • Bed-wetting

  • A consistent bad mood

If your child or teen is struggling with any of these symptoms, it’s likely a sign that their nervous system is not communicating properly and is stuck in a stressed, “fight or flight” state.

Wondering if your child’s physical, behavioral, or emotional challenges could be a result of a stressed nervous system? Get their nervous system assessed with 3 of our advanced scanning tools that reveals IF, WHERE, and HOW SEVERE dysfunction in their nervous system could be contributing to past and current challenges they’re experiencing.

Schedule Nervous System Assessment

How to Help a Struggling Child or Teen

If you have a baby, child, or teen who presents with some of the health concerns we’ve talked about today, we understand the struggle is REAL and that you’ve been doing the best you can with the information and resources you’ve had.

Knowing how to parent and help kids with specific behavioral or emotional concerns can be confusing and exhausting at times. While we don’t claim to have all the answers to your child’s presenting symptoms, we do know this: The nervous system is the master CONTROL CENTER of the entire body. When the autonomic branch of the nervous system is stuck in a STRESSED state and a roadblock in communication between the brain, organs, glands, and muscles exists, neurological, behavioral, or emotional issues start to surface… and won’t stop until the function of the nervous system is RESTORED.

That’s why as a parents, one of the BEST (and first) steps you should take to help your child heal from the inside-out is to have their nervous system assessed and to improve the overall function and connection of their brain-body communication pathways.

Neurologically-based chiropractic care gently corrects the tone and nerve interference throughout the nervous system so kids can SHIFT from a “fight or flight” state to a calm, balanced one that allows them to better process their senses and manage environmental stimuli without overreacting. Overall, they’ll have better situational awareness, adaptability to stress and their environment, and be able to shift into a parasympathetic state when needed (which allows them to rest, digest, and heal).

❤️ Make sure your child’s nervous system is functioning optimally so that little things today don’t become big things tomorrow!

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