
Chiropractic Services Maple Grove

How much stress can kids handle before problems arise?

How much stress can kids handle before problems arise?

by Jen Heupel

Have you noticed more physical, behavioral, or emotional challenges in your kids lately? How about allergies, colds, or increased sensory issues?

As concerning (and possibly frustrating) as those problems can seem, there’s a good explanation for it: STRESS.

When seasons change, especially between summer and fall, children and adults face a lot of adjustments in their typical schedule, people they see, extra-curricular activities, work load, and weather patterns.

These changes add stress to the immune system and nervous system which can lead to increased health challenges that you observe in your kids (or perhaps yourself) this time of year.

Here are some intentional steps you can take to ELEVATE their internal well-being so their nervous system and immune system can function better to stay healthy, happy, and resilient this fall. Specifically, we’re taking a look at how much stress a child can handle before problems arise, how to help calm sensory-seeking kids, and an easy sinus congestion fix to have you feeling better in no time!

Every child’s capacity to manage stress before physical or emotional issues arise is different… and it largely depends on ONE thing: The health of their NERVOUS SYSTEM.

Imagine each child carries a bucket 🪣that can be filled with stressors – from home, school, social situations, expectations, etc. A child with a poor-functioning nervous system has a narrow, shallow bucket that can’t hold much stress without health issues popping up. A child with a well-functioning nervous system has a wide, deep bucket that can carry a lot of stress without unwanted health concerns arising.

Some outward signs of a child whose stress bucket is small and overflowing include INCREASED:

👕Sensory challenges

😭Emotional meltdowns


🗣 Tics


😴Sleeping issues



An overly stressed nervous system is stuck in fight-or-flight mode💥and has disconnects in neural pathways between the brain and body. A brain and body that can not properly send and receive messages leads to an outward display of behavioral, emotional, or physical challenges.

Life will always be full of stress. Since you can't avoid stress the best way to help your child ADPAT to stress and changing environments is to make sure their “stress bucket” is deep and wide.

How do you enlarge a child’s stress bucket?🪣 With regular neurologically focused chiropractic adjustments that REMOVE nerve interference and restore a sense of CALM and BALANCE to the autonomic nervous system. This allows a child to switch from “fight or flight” mode to “rest and digest” mode so they can better handle all the transitions that fall 🍂 and a new school year brings.

Book an appointment where we'll scan your child's nervous system to see how well it's functioning and if their stress bucket is overflowing. Our pediatric chiropractors would love to help expand your child's ability to adapt to stress and live their best life.

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5 Ways to Help Calm Sensory-Seeking Kids

These changes/stress can increase sensory challenges in kids because we’re using more internal resources to manage new stressors. Less reserve to handle the stress.

Does your child gravitate towards thrill-seeking behaviors, like extra physical stimuli, have a high pain threshold or have difficulty sitting still or picking up on social ques?

If so, these are signs of an under-stimulated nervous system that results in sensory-seeking behaviors you may observe in your child.

Ultimately, you want to improve the FUNCTION of their nervous system so their brain and body can properly perceive messages they take in through their 5 senses (which chiropractic care helps with).

If your child is already receiving chiropractic care (or has yet to begin) here are 5 things you can do to calm their nervous system and help them have a better day at home or school.

  1. Dry brush: Dry brushing is a natural stress reliever. Gentle brushing stimulates the nerves under the skin, which in turn provides a calming effect on the nervous system and reduces stress hormones released by the body.


  2. Weighted blanket: Weighted blankets stimulate touch receptors, helping your child’s body relax. The extra pressure and weight create a calm, secure feeling — just like a soothing hug. Wear like a cape or fold in your lap to promote relaxation and sensory organization during the day.


  3. Hugs: Hugs provide deep pressure, which is very calming for the brain, improves focus, and helps kids get through the day easier.


  4. Putty or slime: Therapy putty also stimulates deep pressure sensory input that will help your child feel calm. It’s a great tool to bring with you to places your child’s behavior may tend to struggle, like the grocery store, waiting in long lines, or needing to be quiet while you’re on the phone.


  5. Oral sensory chews: If you notice your child likes to chew on things, buying them safe, non-toxic chew toys provides the oral input they need to better self-regulate. Chewing creates a sense of calm and can relieve stress, anxiety, or pent-up energy.

Learn More: Sensory Processing Disorder

A Quick Fix for Sinus Pressure and Congestion

Do you or your child feel congested? Sinuses bothering you? Allergies flaring up?🤧We can help!

Our doctors can perform two specific, gentle adjustments that help almost instantly!

1. Upper Neck Adjustments: These adjustments open up nerve channels and sinus passageways to allow lymph fluid to move more effectively.

2. Sinus Adjustments: This type of adjustment “rattles” your sinuses to release stuck fluid so your sinuses can drain normally. Click HERE to see what a sinus adjustment looks like.

Say goodbye to all that pressure in your nose and head by getting adjusted! Be sure to tell our docs about your symptoms so they know what type of adjustments you’d most benefit from so you can feel well again!

Watch Video

👉Staying healthy (both physically and mentally) this fall is not about avoiding stress, viruses, or large groups of people, but strengthening your ability to ADAPT to stress. When you have a high resiliency to internal and external stressors, you and your kids can thrive despite challenging circumstances.

We hope to see you and your family in the office soon!

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