
Chiropractic Services Maple Grove

Chiropractic Care for Athletes: Tailoring Treatments for Every Stage of Life
Restore Chiropractic

Chiropractic Care for Athletes: Tailoring Treatments for Every Stage of Life

No matter the sport, athletes put tremendous strain on their bodies. The physical demands on an athlete’s body can include high impact, repetitive stress, intense training regimens, and the needs for optimal functionality. There are many common injuries for athletes, such as muscle strains and sprains, joint injuries, and overuse injuries, and though some may not be preventable, their impact can be reduced through comprehensive chiropractic care. 

Proactive chiropractic care for athletes centers around the body as a whole, rather than treating the injury after it happens. Chiropractors understand that an athlete's body requires alignment, balance, and functionality in order to perform optimally. We employ various techniques, including joint mobilization, spinal adjustments, and soft tissue therapies to help athletes perform well and potentially avoid injury. 

Athletic Chiropractic Care Through Life

Athletes at every stage of life can benefit from chiropractic care. This is particularly important the younger an athlete begins training, as the repetitive stress on their bodies can only worsen over time without intervention. Let’s take a look at how athletes benefit from long-term chiropractic care during various stages of life. 

Young Athletes

Young athletes from ages 6 to 18 are often involved in multiple sports. This can lead to early wear and tear and an occasional injury. At this stage of life, chiropractic care emphasizes alignment, flexibility, and injury prevention. 

Some common treatments for young athletes include: 

  • Spinal adjustments
  • Posture correction
  • Soft tissue therapy
  • Injury prevention

With these treatments, young athletes benefit from enhanced performance and early detection and correction of postural issues that could lead to long-term problems. 

Teenage/Young Adults

Older teenagers and young adults or college athletes compete at a higher level, requiring more vigorous training and performance. Chiropractic care focuses on optimizing performance, injury prevention, and rehabilitation. 

Common treatments include: 

  • Sports-specific adjustments
  • Injury rehabilitation
  • Kinesiology taping
  • Nutritional counseling

This can help with enhanced range of motion and flexibility and quicker recovery times from sports-related injuries. Chiropractic care at this stage can also reduce the likelihood of recurrent injuries through preventative care and strengthening exercises. 

Adult Years

From the ages of 25 to 40, chiropractic care demands increase. No matter the level of competition, adult athletes need help preventing injuries and maintaining peak performance. Chiropractic care at this stage includes: 

  • Joint mobilization
  • Functional rehabilitation
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Spinal decompression

Chiropractic care focuses on maintaining the overall physical health of adults, ensuring joint and muscle stability. It is also effective treatment for chronic pain, such as lower back pain or tendonitis, which allows adult athletes to continue participating in their sport. 

Mature Adult Athletes

Mature athletes face unique challenges, including declining flexibility, joint stiffness, and age-related degenerative changes. Chiropractic care at this stage involves maintaining mobility, reducing pain, and supporting long-term health. 

Common treatment include:

  • Low-impact adjustments
  • Pain management
  • Flexibility training
  • Joint health support

For all adults, chiropractic care can improve the quality of life through pain reduction and enhanced mobility. More flexibility leads to reduced stiffness, allowing mature adults to enjoy their favorite sports. Chiropractic care can also slow the progression of age-related conditions such as osteoarthritis. 

Maintain Full Body Wellness with Restore Chiropractic

From pediatric chiropractic care to mature adult care, Restore Chiropractic is your athletic chiropractor in Maple Grove, MN. Our team specializes in holistic chiropractic care for preventative and rehabilitative measures. We can help you and your loved ones live a healthier, pain-free lifestyle. 

Restore Chiropractic also uses Torque Release Technique (TRT), which allows us to pinpoint the primary areas of subluxation in the nervous system using an Integrator. This instrument uses torque and recoil to administer gentle adjustments, removing the subluxation and restoring communication pathways throughout the nervous system. 

Let Restore Chiropractic make your athletic journey pain-free. Give us a call today at 612-516-3090 or book an appointment online!

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