Hidden Causes of Anxiety, Poor Sleep, and Digestive Issues Hidden Causes of Anxiety, Poor Sleep, and Digestive Issues Could the state of your autonomic nervous system be the source of your anxiety, digestive distress, or poor sleep? Have you tried various mediation, therapy, or special diets and still struggle to feel better and reach your health goals? Read more
How to Improve Speech and Developmental Delays How to Improve Speech and Developmental Delays Does your child struggle forming their words correctly, speaking their thoughts, or have difficulty with fine motor skills like buttoning their shirt, eating with a fork, or cutting with scissors ? Read more
Is Your Child Having Trouble Pooping? Is Your Child Having Trouble Pooping? Does your child or baby experience constipation, difficulty with bowel movements, or lose stools? Do they get gassy or fussy after eating? One common cause of digestive distress that many parents are unaware relates to the health and function of the nervous system. Read more
Is Your Child's Brain Overwhelmed? Warning Signs and Tests to Find Out. Is Your Child's Brain Overwhelmed? Warning Signs and Tests to Find Out. Has your child been told by a professional they have any of the following, or maybe you’ve noticed some concerning behaviors related to these conditions? Read more
Improve Athletic Performance: The Secret to Better Results, Faster Recover, and Injury Prevention Improve Athletic Performance: The Secret to Better Results, Faster Recover, and Injury Prevention What do Tom Brady, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, and Lance Armstrong have in common? They all attribute chiropractic care to their success! Read more