
Chiropractic Services Maple Grove

Optimal Motor Development in Kids

Optimal Motor Development in Kids

CDC Pushes Back Developmental Milestones

You may have heard the CDC recently changed some of the developmental milestones for babies and children – but we don’t agree. Not with the changes they made nor with their approach to reducing the influx of delays in children today.

The answer to fixing the massive rise in neurodevelopmental delays and behavioral challenges is NOT to push back milestones to seem “normal” or something for babies to “outgrow”. That’s simply a ploy to COVER UP the problem and ease the fears of parents whose children aren’t progressing as expected.

As neurologically-focused, pediatric chiropractors we know that proper motor development begins with a WELL-FUNCTIONING NERVOUS SYSTEM. One where the brain-body connection isn’t impaired by the physical, emotional, or chemical stress in a child’s life.

When a child’s brain can effectively communicate with other organ systems and muscle nerves within the body, they can HEAL from the INSIDE-OUT and reach their optimal physical, emotional, and behavioral health.

Here are motor-development milestones to look for in a child’s first year of life and how to address the ROOT CAUSE if they aren’t meeting those markers.

Stages of Gross Motor Development

The stages of development should occur in the following order. If a skill is skipped or delayed, this could be a sign of dysfuntion within the central nervous system.

Early infancy (0 - 4 months):

  1. Head and neck control, including smiling and tracking with eyes (1-2 mo.)
  2. Pushing up with arms and chest during tummy time (2-3 mo.)
  3. Sits with support (3-4 mo.)
  4. Rolling from tummy to back (3-4 mo.)

Mid Infancy: (6 - 9 months):

  1. Sits without support (6-8 mo.)
  2. Pulls to stand (8-9 mo.)
  3. Crawls (9 mo.)

Later Infancy: (10 - 13 months)

  1. Walks with support (9-10 mo.)
  2. Stands without support (11-12 mo.)
  3. Walks without support (12-13 mo.)

How Neurologically-Based Chiropractic Care Improves Movement Patterns and Overall Health

Motor development directly affects overall development in a child, including their social, emotional, and mental health. A child with either slow or overactive movement patterns can develop other challenges like Sensory Processing Disorder, Motor Tics, emotional dysregulation, behavioral and focus challenges, and speech delays.

The good news: Neurologically - based chiropractic care impacts the TONE of the neves in the spinal cord, which affects how the muscles form and move around the spine, which helps the child perform important gross-motor tasks that are crucial for optimal health and development.

Neurological Assessment Tool: sEMG technology scans your child’s nervous system to measure how much energy the nerves within their muscles are using to maintain proper posture and coordiante movement.

The Integrator: This gentle and effective adjustment tool brings calm and balance to motor nerves which allows children to better control their bodies, emotions, and social connections.

Five Signs Your Child has an Overactive Nervous System Hindering their Development

If your child displays displays these behaviors on a regular basis, chances are their nervous system is wound up too tight, resulting in more intense movement patterns and emotions which can make it harder for them to get along with peers, cooperate in a classroom, or control their body.

Would you like to improve your child's incoordination, emotional outbursts, or sensory issues? Schedule an appointment to take a look inside their nervous system so we can make a plan to begin healing today.

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